FUNIBER - Área Formación Profesorado

Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English as Foreign Languagefavoritos

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FUNIBER - Área Formación Profesorado
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La Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER) es una fundación que se enmarca dentro del mundo universitario y de la formación. FUNIBER busca difundir y compartir el conocimiento español y luso con el mundo iberoamericano. Desde su fundación en 1997 en Barcelona-España, FUNIBER ha crecido continuamente llegando hoy en día a ser una red académica y profesional con presencia en 16 países. Esta red la componen actualmente más de 40 universidades europeas y latinoamericanas y muchas empresas y organismos de presencia y renombre internacional, que aportan experiencia y conocimiento con el único fin de formar personas como iguales con una educación internacional de primer nivel y categoría sin dejar de lado lo que cada país aporta en su individualidad, singularidad y ventajas comparativas.

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Este curso está dentro de la categoría Cursos de Especialización y lo imparte FUNIBER - Área Formación Profesorado. Con una duración de 40 creditos que cursarás a Distancia en Inglés, tiene un precio que deberás consultar con el centro... no esperes más y Solicita Información Gratis Ahora o Sigue Leyendo

Detalles del Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English as Foreign Language

With English being the global language it is, the provision of qualitytraining for professional development becomes a must. In response tothe growing demand in Europe and Latin America, as well as in the restof the world, for improvement in the quality and effectiveness ofEnglish language teaching in both the public and the private sector, anumber of Spanish and Latin American universities have developed aninteruniversity programme in Teaching English as a Foreign Language(TEFL). It is specifically designed for distance learning, and has beendeveloped in collaboration with La Fundación UniversitariaIberoamericana (FUNIBER). The programme aims to help practicing teachers, or those wishing tobecome teachers, address in an informed and principled way the issuesand professional needs that relate to their own working environment.The type of training is thus developed to encourage the learner’sautonomy without losing sight of elements of constant but flexibleinteraction, tailored to the specific needs of teachers in professionaldevelopment. As a result, the material used has been designed to be accessed onthe Internet by means of a special interface created for this reason.The interface is a central part of this type of teacher training sincethe virtual interaction, by means of e-mail, discussion groups, chats,etc., bridges the geographical gap between the different components ofthe course.

To provide a comprehensive understanding of the English teacher's work and to help develop strategies for dealing with major aspects of this work, as much as possible within the context of your own current or anticipated work situation. To acquaint you with current approaches to the study of language that are relevant to the field of English language teaching and to help you develop, in the context of these approaches, a deeper understanding of and sensitivity to the nature of language, language use and language development. To emphasize individual professional growth and to enable you to pursue in greater depth new aspects of English language teaching that are of particular interest, concern or relevance to you personally. To provide students with the necessary support to be able to carry out action research in an autonomous manner and, as a result, promote professional development. In this way the programme's practical focus encourages you to: Reflect on and interpret the relation between theory and practice. Adapt new ideas and strategies to your own classroom situation. Test and appraise new teaching techniques in your own classrooms. Apply your analytical skills to specific problems or issues. Demonstrate your capacity to review and criticise current relevant literature and research within ELT. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of particular strategies and programmes, which are characteristic of current practice. Apply the knowledge and skills gained in the programme in a continuing process of improving your own teaching and your students' learning. A guiding principle of the programme is that the participating English teachers are viewed as professional practitioners who through the course are involved in a process of professional development that is directly related to, and located in, their current work situation.

A quién va dirigido este programa
The programme leading to the Master, Diploma (Especialización) or Certificates (Extensión universitaria) in TEFL is intended for: Primary and secondary level English language teachers in public or private institutions. Teachers of EFL working in adult education. Graduates with relevant qualifications intending to work as English language teachers.

The subject of the programme is:

Second language learning and teaching

1. Second language acquisition
2. Teaching pronunciation
3. Individual factors in the learner's development
4. Observation and research in the language classroom
5. Approaches to language in the classroom context
6. Teaching Young Learners

Methodologies and materials in language learning and teaching

1. Methodological approaches
2. Developing language skills in the classroom
3. Materials and resources in EFL - design, creation, adaptation and evaluation
4. Classroom management techniques and reflections on practice
5. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
6. Teaching English through Translation

Curriculum and course design

1. Tasks and Projects
2. Learning strategies
3. English in the community
4. Assessment and testing in the classroom
5. Curriculum and course design - principles and practice


Research project in TEFL


The programme leading to the Master, Diploma (Especialización) or Certificates (Extensión universitaria) in TEFL is intended for:

  • Primary and secondary level English language teachers in public or private institutions.
  • Teachers of EFL working in adult education.
  • Graduates with relevant qualifications intending to work as English language teachers.
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*País de residencia
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