Este curso está dentro de la categoría Cursos de Especialización y lo imparte ATENEO Santa Isabel. Con una duración de 180 horas que cursarás de forma On-Line en Inglés, tiene un precio que deberás consultar con el centro... no esperes más y Solicita Información Gratis Ahora o Sigue Leyendo
Detalles del Inglés pre-intermedio
Tipo: distancia / on-line
Horas: 180hs
Material: temario a color en formato papel y sistema multimedia interactivo dentro de nuestra plataforma de formación on-line
Precio: 280 Los trabajadores en activo pueden bonificarlo, si su empresa está de acuerdo, en las cuotas de la seguridad social. Nos encargamos de toda la gestión. Zarateneo SL Entidad Organizadora de la Fundación Tripartita del Fondo Social Europeo
Tipo: distancia / on-line
Horas: 180hs
Material: temario a color en formato papel y sistema multimedia interactivo dentro de nuestra plataforma de formación on-line
Precio: 280 Los trabajadores en activo pueden bonificarlo, si su empresa está de acuerdo, en las cuotas de la seguridad social. Nos encargamos de toda la gestión. Zarateneo SL Entidad Organizadora de la Fundación Tripartita del Fondo Social Europeo
Nivel B1
Módulo 1: English Pre-Intermediate Block 4
En este bloque aprenderás a hablar sobre acciones futuras y pasadas, utilizando el presente continuo, el pasado simple o bien otros tiempos verbales diferentes, a hablar del tiempo, expresar acuerdo o desacuerdo con alguien, etc. En el bloque 4 se van a introducir
tiempos verbales más complejos, como el presente perfecto, comparándolo con el pasado simple y se explicará las diferencias existentes entre estos dos tiempos verbales y cuando podemos utilizarlos.
Lección 1: Buying the perfect camper Part 1
Functions: Asking for personal information. Talking about the past, the present and the future. Grammar: Tense review. Present simple, present continuous, past simple, be going to, can, have got.
Vocabulary: Means of transport. Everyday activities.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 2: Buying the perfect camper Part 2
Functions: Asking for personal information. Talking about the past, the present and the future.
Grammar: Tense review. Present simple, present continuous, past simple, be going to, can, have got.
Vocabulary: Means of transport. Everyday activities.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 3: Buying the perfect camper Part 3
Functions: Asking for personal information. Talking about the past, the present and the future.
Grammar: Tense review. Present simple, present continuous, past simple, be going to, can, have got.
Vocabulary: Means of transport. Everyday activities.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Lección 4: Mildred Part 1
Functions: Talking about the weather. Expressing possession. Asking and talking about recent past.
Grammar: Present perfect. Possessive pronouns. Whose?
Curso: English no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Vocabulary: The weather.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Capítulo 4: Showroom
Lección 5: Mildred Part 2
Functions: Talking about the weather. Expressing possession. Asking and talking about recent past.
Grammar: Present perfect. Possessive pronouns. Whose?
Vocabulary: The weather.
Capítulo 1: Phrases
Capítulo 2: Listening practice
Capítulo 3: Pronunciation
Lección 6: Mildred Part 3
Functions: Talking about the weather. Expressing possession. Asking and talking about recent past.
Grammar: Present perfect. Possessive pronouns. Whose?
Vocabulary: The weather.
Capítulo 1: Consolidation
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Lección 7: Let´s go to the Isle of Wight Part 1
Functions: Expressing duration. Expressing agreement and disagreement. Expressing movement.
Grammar: Present perfect + for / since. Agreements. Prepositions of movement.
Vocabulary: Difference between gone and been. Public places.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 8: Let´s go to the Isle of Wight Part 2
Functions: Expressing duration. Expressing agreement and disagreement. Expressing movement.
Grammar: Present perfect + for / since. Agreements. Prepositions of movement.
Vocabulary: Difference between gone and been. Public places.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 9: Let´s go to the Isle of Wight Part 3
Functions: Expressing duration. Expressing agreement and disagreement. Expressing movement.
Grammar: Present perfect + for / since. Agreements. Prepositions of movement.
Vocabulary: Difference between gone and been. Public places.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Lección 10: Having a breakdown Part 1
Curso: English no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Functions: Asking and talking about experience. Expressing quantity.
Grammar: Present perfect + yet / already. Have you ever ...? Quantifiers.
Vocabulary: Clothes. Cloth material. Farewells.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 11: Having a breakdown Part 2
Functions: Asking and talking about experience. Expressing quantity.
Grammar: Present perfect + yet / already. Have you ever ...? Quantifiers.
Vocabulary: Clothes. Cloth material. Farewells.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Lección 12: Having a breakdown Part 3
Functions: Asking and talking about experience. Expressing quantity.
Grammar: Present perfect + yet / already. Have you ever ...? Quantifiers.
Vocabulary: Clothes. Cloth material. Farewells.
Capítulo 1: Phrases
Capítulo 2: Listening practice
Capítulo 3: Pronunciation
Capítulo 4: Consolidation
Capítulo 5: Dialogues
Lección 13: Bye-Bye, Rowland! Part 1
Functions: Describing objects. Talking about the past.
Grammar: Present perfect + just. Present perfect vs. Past simple. Past simple + ago. Something, anything, nothing.
Vocabulary: Shapes. Materials. Common objects.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 14: Bye-Bye, Rowland! Part 2
Functions: Describing objects. Talking about the past.
Grammar: Present perfect + just. Present perfect vs. Past simple. Past simple + ago. Something, anything, nothing.
Vocabulary: Shapes. Materials. Common objects.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 15: Bye-Bye, Rowland! Part 3
Functions: Describing objects. Talking about the past.
Grammar: Present perfect + just. Present perfect vs. Past simple. Past simple + ago. Something, anything, nothing.
Vocabulary: Shapes. Materials. Common objects.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Curso: English no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Lección 16: She´s left me!! Part 1
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Dialogues
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Lección 17: She´s left me!! Part 2
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Lección 18: She´s left me!! Part 3
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Reading practice
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Módulo 2: English Pre-Intermediate Block 5
En este bloque se explica detalladamente situaciones que te pueden pasar cuando viajas fuera o bien en el trabajo. En lo que se refiere a la gramática, se hará una revisión del pasado, señalando las diferencias entre el pasado simple y el continuo, a la vez que aparecerán nuevos verbos modales, como el must o el should.
Lección 19: Introducing ´´Dark Night´´ Part 1
Functions: Talking about actions in progress in the past. Expressing duration.
Grammar: Past continuous. How long does it take ...?
Vocabulary: Travelling. Country setting.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 20: Introducing ´´Dark Night´´ Part 2
Functions: Talking about actions in progress in the past. Expressing duration.
Grammar: Past continuous. How long does it take ...?
Vocabulary: Travelling. Country setting.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Capítulo 3: Listening practice
Lección 21: Introducing ´´Dark Night´´ Part 3
Functions: Talking about actions in progress in the past. Expressing duration.
Grammar: Past continuous. How long does it take ...?
Vocabulary: Travelling. Country setting.
Capítulo 1: Pronunciation
Capítulo 2: Consolidation
Capítulo 3: Dialogues
Lección 22: Camping in the countryside Part 1
Functions: Narrating stories. Expressing obligation. Expressing manner.
Curso: English no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Grammar: Must / mustn?t. Past continuous vs. Past simple. The pronoun one. Adverbs of manner.
Vocabulary: Parks and campsites.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 23: Camping in the countryside Part 2
Functions: Narrating stories. Expressing obligation. Expressing manner.
Grammar: Must / mustn?t. Past continuous vs. Past simple. The pronoun one. Adverbs of manner.
Vocabulary: Parks and campsites.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Lección 24: Camping in the countryside Part 3
Functions: Narrating stories. Expressing obligation. Expressing manner.
Grammar: Must / mustn?t. Past continuous vs. Past simple. The pronoun one. Adverbs of manner.
Vocabulary: Parks and campsites.
Capítulo 1: Phrases
Capítulo 2: Listening practice
Capítulo 3: Pronunciation
Capítulo 4: Consolidation
Capítulo 5: Dialogues
Lección 25: You are not invited to the party Part 1
Functions: Explaining causes and consequences. Defining jobs and objects.
Grammar: Phrasal verbs. Relative pronouns. So / because.
Vocabulary: The face. Jobs. Phrasal verbs.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 26: You are not invited to the party Part 2
Functions: Explaining causes and consequences. Defining jobs and objects.
Grammar: Phrasal verbs. Relative pronouns. So / because.
Vocabulary: The face. Jobs. Phrasal verbs.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Lección 27: You are not invited to the party Part 3
Functions: Explaining causes and consequences. Defining jobs and objects.
Grammar: Phrasal verbs. Relative pronouns. So / because.
Vocabulary: The face. Jobs. Phrasal verbs.
Capítulo 1: Phrases
Capítulo 2: Listening practice
Capítulo 3: Pronunciation
Capítulo 4: Consolidation
Capítulo 5: Dialogues
English no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Lección 28: Meeting Jean Part 1
Functions: Making suggestions. Asking for confirmation. Continuing conversations. Ordering a meal.
Grammar: Should / shouldn?t. Comment tags.
Vocabulary: Food. Restaurant.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 29: Meeting Jean Part 2
Functions: Making suggestions. Asking for confirmation. Continuing conversations. Ordering a meal.
Grammar: Should / shouldn?t. Comment tags.
Vocabulary: Food. Restaurant.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Lección 30: Meeting Jean Part 3
Functions: Making suggestions. Asking for confirmation. Continuing conversations. Ordering a meal.
Grammar: Should / shouldn?t. Comment tags.
Vocabulary: Food. Restaurant.
Capítulo 1: Phrases
Capítulo 2: Listening practice
Capítulo 3: Pronunciation
Capítulo 4: Consolidation
Capítulo 5: Dialogues
Lección 31: Nick´s plan Part 1
Functions: Going shopping. Asking for information or expecting confirmation.
Grammar: Verbs + gerund. Verbs + infinitive. Question tags.
Vocabulary: Verbs. Containers and contents.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 32: Nick´s plan Part 2
Functions: Going shopping. Asking for information or expecting confirmation.
Grammar: Verbs + gerund. Verbs + infinitive. Question tags.
Vocabulary: Verbs. Containers and contents.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 33: Nick´s plan Part 3
Functions: Going shopping. Asking for information or expecting confirmation.
Grammar: Verbs + gerund. Verbs + infinitive. Question tags.
Vocabulary: Verbs. Containers and contents.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Curso: English no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Lección 34: Falling in love Part 1
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Dialogues
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Lección 35: Falling in love Part 2
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Lección 36: Falling in love Part 3
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Reading practice
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Módulo 3: English Pre-Intermediate Block 6
Aquí, el alumno aprenderá como hacer predicciones en el pasado utilizando el futuro simple, también aprenderá a pedir cosas, y a hacer llamadas telefónicas, a cambiar dinero, ir a un hotel, o expresar su opinión sobre algo.
Lección 37: Saying goodbye to the band Part 1
Functions: Making predictions. Making offers. Comparing things. Talking on the phone.
Grammar: Future simple: will / won?t. Comparative: as ... as.
Vocabulary: Telephone expressions. Verbs.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 38: Saying goodbye to the band Part 2
Functions: Making predictions. Making offers. Comparing things. Talking on the phone.
Grammar: Future simple: will / won?t. Comparative: as ... as.
Vocabulary: Telephone expressions. Verbs.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 39: Saying goodbye to the band Part 3
Functions: Making predictions. Making offers. Comparing things. Talking on the phone.
Grammar: Future simple: will / won?t. Comparative: as ... as.
Vocabulary: Telephone expressions. Verbs.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Lección 40: Getting married Part 1
Functions: Changing money. Making offers. Comparing. Talking about future plans and intentions. Expressing sudden decisions.
Grammar: Present continuous with future reference vs. Future simple. Shall I ...? Comparative form of the adjective.
Vocabulary: Weddings. Adjectives.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 41: Getting married Part 2
Functions: Changing money. Making offers. Comparing. Talking about future plans and intentions. Expressing sudden decisions.
Grammar: Present continuous with future reference vs. Future simple. Shall I ...? Comparative form of the adjective.
Vocabulary: Weddings. Adjectives.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 42: Getting married Part 3
Functions: Changing money. Making offers. Comparing. Talking about future plans and intentions. Expressing sudden decisions.
Grammar: Present continuous with future reference vs. Future simple. Shall I ...? Comparative form of the adjective.
Vocabulary: Weddings. Adjectives.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Lección 43: Meeting Jean´s family I Part 1
Functions: Talking about probability. Expressing opinion. Checking out of a hotel. Grammar: First conditional. Superlative form of the adjective.
Vocabulary: Irregular superlatives.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 44: Meeting Jean´s family I Part 2
Functions: Talking about probability. Expressing opinion. Checking out of a hotel.
Grammar: First conditional. Superlative form of the adjective.
Vocabulary: Irregular superlatives.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 45: Meeting Jean´s family I Part 3
Functions: Talking about probability. Expressing opinion. Checking out of a hotel.
Grammar: First conditional. Superlative form of the adjective.
Vocabulary: Irregular superlatives.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Lección 46: Meeting Jean´s family II Part 1
Functions: Expressing position. Highlighting the result of an action. Asking directions.
Grammar: The passive. The most ... Prepositions of location: at, in, on.
Vocabulary: Cooking. More adjectives.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 47: Meeting Jean´s family II Part 2
Functions: Expressing position. Highlighting the result of an action. Asking directions.
Grammar: The passive. The most ... Prepositions of location: at, in, on.
Vocabulary: Cooking. More adjectives.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 48: Meeting Jean´s family II Part 3
Functions: Expressing position. Highlighting the result of an action. Asking directions.
Grammar: The passive. The most ... Prepositions of location: at, in, on.
Vocabulary: Cooking. More adjectives.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Lección 49: A new barman Part 1
Functions: Expressing purpose. Checking in at the airport.
Grammar: To + infinitive vs. For + noun.
Vocabulary: Confusing verbs. Feelings. Illness.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 50: A new barman Part 2
Functions: Expressing purpose. Checking in at the airport.
Grammar: To + infinitive vs. For + noun.
Vocabulary: Confusing verbs. Feelings. Illness.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Capítulo 3: Listening practice
no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Lección 51: A new barman Part 3
Functions: Expressing purpose. Checking in at the airport.
Grammar: To + infinitive vs. For + noun.
Vocabulary: Confusing verbs. Feelings. Illness.
Capítulo 1: Pronunciation
Capítulo 2: Consolidation
Capítulo 3: Dialogues
Lección 52: Dreaming of becoming famous Part 1
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Dialogues
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Lección 53: Dreaming of becoming famous Part 2
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Reading practice
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Lección 54: Dreaming of becoming famous Part 3
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Módulo 1: English Pre-Intermediate Block 4
En este bloque aprenderás a hablar sobre acciones futuras y pasadas, utilizando el presente continuo, el pasado simple o bien otros tiempos verbales diferentes, a hablar del tiempo, expresar acuerdo o desacuerdo con alguien, etc. En el bloque 4 se van a introducir
tiempos verbales más complejos, como el presente perfecto, comparándolo con el pasado simple y se explicará las diferencias existentes entre estos dos tiempos verbales y cuando podemos utilizarlos.
Lección 1: Buying the perfect camper Part 1
Functions: Asking for personal information. Talking about the past, the present and the future. Grammar: Tense review. Present simple, present continuous, past simple, be going to, can, have got.
Vocabulary: Means of transport. Everyday activities.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 2: Buying the perfect camper Part 2
Functions: Asking for personal information. Talking about the past, the present and the future.
Grammar: Tense review. Present simple, present continuous, past simple, be going to, can, have got.
Vocabulary: Means of transport. Everyday activities.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 3: Buying the perfect camper Part 3
Functions: Asking for personal information. Talking about the past, the present and the future.
Grammar: Tense review. Present simple, present continuous, past simple, be going to, can, have got.
Vocabulary: Means of transport. Everyday activities.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Lección 4: Mildred Part 1
Functions: Talking about the weather. Expressing possession. Asking and talking about recent past.
Grammar: Present perfect. Possessive pronouns. Whose?
Curso: English no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Vocabulary: The weather.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Capítulo 4: Showroom
Lección 5: Mildred Part 2
Functions: Talking about the weather. Expressing possession. Asking and talking about recent past.
Grammar: Present perfect. Possessive pronouns. Whose?
Vocabulary: The weather.
Capítulo 1: Phrases
Capítulo 2: Listening practice
Capítulo 3: Pronunciation
Lección 6: Mildred Part 3
Functions: Talking about the weather. Expressing possession. Asking and talking about recent past.
Grammar: Present perfect. Possessive pronouns. Whose?
Vocabulary: The weather.
Capítulo 1: Consolidation
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Lección 7: Let´s go to the Isle of Wight Part 1
Functions: Expressing duration. Expressing agreement and disagreement. Expressing movement.
Grammar: Present perfect + for / since. Agreements. Prepositions of movement.
Vocabulary: Difference between gone and been. Public places.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 8: Let´s go to the Isle of Wight Part 2
Functions: Expressing duration. Expressing agreement and disagreement. Expressing movement.
Grammar: Present perfect + for / since. Agreements. Prepositions of movement.
Vocabulary: Difference between gone and been. Public places.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 9: Let´s go to the Isle of Wight Part 3
Functions: Expressing duration. Expressing agreement and disagreement. Expressing movement.
Grammar: Present perfect + for / since. Agreements. Prepositions of movement.
Vocabulary: Difference between gone and been. Public places.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Lección 10: Having a breakdown Part 1
Curso: English no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Functions: Asking and talking about experience. Expressing quantity.
Grammar: Present perfect + yet / already. Have you ever ...? Quantifiers.
Vocabulary: Clothes. Cloth material. Farewells.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 11: Having a breakdown Part 2
Functions: Asking and talking about experience. Expressing quantity.
Grammar: Present perfect + yet / already. Have you ever ...? Quantifiers.
Vocabulary: Clothes. Cloth material. Farewells.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Lección 12: Having a breakdown Part 3
Functions: Asking and talking about experience. Expressing quantity.
Grammar: Present perfect + yet / already. Have you ever ...? Quantifiers.
Vocabulary: Clothes. Cloth material. Farewells.
Capítulo 1: Phrases
Capítulo 2: Listening practice
Capítulo 3: Pronunciation
Capítulo 4: Consolidation
Capítulo 5: Dialogues
Lección 13: Bye-Bye, Rowland! Part 1
Functions: Describing objects. Talking about the past.
Grammar: Present perfect + just. Present perfect vs. Past simple. Past simple + ago. Something, anything, nothing.
Vocabulary: Shapes. Materials. Common objects.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 14: Bye-Bye, Rowland! Part 2
Functions: Describing objects. Talking about the past.
Grammar: Present perfect + just. Present perfect vs. Past simple. Past simple + ago. Something, anything, nothing.
Vocabulary: Shapes. Materials. Common objects.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 15: Bye-Bye, Rowland! Part 3
Functions: Describing objects. Talking about the past.
Grammar: Present perfect + just. Present perfect vs. Past simple. Past simple + ago. Something, anything, nothing.
Vocabulary: Shapes. Materials. Common objects.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Curso: English no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Lección 16: She´s left me!! Part 1
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Dialogues
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Lección 17: She´s left me!! Part 2
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Lección 18: She´s left me!! Part 3
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Reading practice
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Módulo 2: English Pre-Intermediate Block 5
En este bloque se explica detalladamente situaciones que te pueden pasar cuando viajas fuera o bien en el trabajo. En lo que se refiere a la gramática, se hará una revisión del pasado, señalando las diferencias entre el pasado simple y el continuo, a la vez que aparecerán nuevos verbos modales, como el must o el should.
Lección 19: Introducing ´´Dark Night´´ Part 1
Functions: Talking about actions in progress in the past. Expressing duration.
Grammar: Past continuous. How long does it take ...?
Vocabulary: Travelling. Country setting.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 20: Introducing ´´Dark Night´´ Part 2
Functions: Talking about actions in progress in the past. Expressing duration.
Grammar: Past continuous. How long does it take ...?
Vocabulary: Travelling. Country setting.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Capítulo 3: Listening practice
Lección 21: Introducing ´´Dark Night´´ Part 3
Functions: Talking about actions in progress in the past. Expressing duration.
Grammar: Past continuous. How long does it take ...?
Vocabulary: Travelling. Country setting.
Capítulo 1: Pronunciation
Capítulo 2: Consolidation
Capítulo 3: Dialogues
Lección 22: Camping in the countryside Part 1
Functions: Narrating stories. Expressing obligation. Expressing manner.
Curso: English no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Grammar: Must / mustn?t. Past continuous vs. Past simple. The pronoun one. Adverbs of manner.
Vocabulary: Parks and campsites.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 23: Camping in the countryside Part 2
Functions: Narrating stories. Expressing obligation. Expressing manner.
Grammar: Must / mustn?t. Past continuous vs. Past simple. The pronoun one. Adverbs of manner.
Vocabulary: Parks and campsites.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Lección 24: Camping in the countryside Part 3
Functions: Narrating stories. Expressing obligation. Expressing manner.
Grammar: Must / mustn?t. Past continuous vs. Past simple. The pronoun one. Adverbs of manner.
Vocabulary: Parks and campsites.
Capítulo 1: Phrases
Capítulo 2: Listening practice
Capítulo 3: Pronunciation
Capítulo 4: Consolidation
Capítulo 5: Dialogues
Lección 25: You are not invited to the party Part 1
Functions: Explaining causes and consequences. Defining jobs and objects.
Grammar: Phrasal verbs. Relative pronouns. So / because.
Vocabulary: The face. Jobs. Phrasal verbs.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 26: You are not invited to the party Part 2
Functions: Explaining causes and consequences. Defining jobs and objects.
Grammar: Phrasal verbs. Relative pronouns. So / because.
Vocabulary: The face. Jobs. Phrasal verbs.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Lección 27: You are not invited to the party Part 3
Functions: Explaining causes and consequences. Defining jobs and objects.
Grammar: Phrasal verbs. Relative pronouns. So / because.
Vocabulary: The face. Jobs. Phrasal verbs.
Capítulo 1: Phrases
Capítulo 2: Listening practice
Capítulo 3: Pronunciation
Capítulo 4: Consolidation
Capítulo 5: Dialogues
English no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Lección 28: Meeting Jean Part 1
Functions: Making suggestions. Asking for confirmation. Continuing conversations. Ordering a meal.
Grammar: Should / shouldn?t. Comment tags.
Vocabulary: Food. Restaurant.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 29: Meeting Jean Part 2
Functions: Making suggestions. Asking for confirmation. Continuing conversations. Ordering a meal.
Grammar: Should / shouldn?t. Comment tags.
Vocabulary: Food. Restaurant.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Lección 30: Meeting Jean Part 3
Functions: Making suggestions. Asking for confirmation. Continuing conversations. Ordering a meal.
Grammar: Should / shouldn?t. Comment tags.
Vocabulary: Food. Restaurant.
Capítulo 1: Phrases
Capítulo 2: Listening practice
Capítulo 3: Pronunciation
Capítulo 4: Consolidation
Capítulo 5: Dialogues
Lección 31: Nick´s plan Part 1
Functions: Going shopping. Asking for information or expecting confirmation.
Grammar: Verbs + gerund. Verbs + infinitive. Question tags.
Vocabulary: Verbs. Containers and contents.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 32: Nick´s plan Part 2
Functions: Going shopping. Asking for information or expecting confirmation.
Grammar: Verbs + gerund. Verbs + infinitive. Question tags.
Vocabulary: Verbs. Containers and contents.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 33: Nick´s plan Part 3
Functions: Going shopping. Asking for information or expecting confirmation.
Grammar: Verbs + gerund. Verbs + infinitive. Question tags.
Vocabulary: Verbs. Containers and contents.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Curso: English no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Lección 34: Falling in love Part 1
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Dialogues
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Lección 35: Falling in love Part 2
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Lección 36: Falling in love Part 3
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Reading practice
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Módulo 3: English Pre-Intermediate Block 6
Aquí, el alumno aprenderá como hacer predicciones en el pasado utilizando el futuro simple, también aprenderá a pedir cosas, y a hacer llamadas telefónicas, a cambiar dinero, ir a un hotel, o expresar su opinión sobre algo.
Lección 37: Saying goodbye to the band Part 1
Functions: Making predictions. Making offers. Comparing things. Talking on the phone.
Grammar: Future simple: will / won?t. Comparative: as ... as.
Vocabulary: Telephone expressions. Verbs.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 38: Saying goodbye to the band Part 2
Functions: Making predictions. Making offers. Comparing things. Talking on the phone.
Grammar: Future simple: will / won?t. Comparative: as ... as.
Vocabulary: Telephone expressions. Verbs.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 39: Saying goodbye to the band Part 3
Functions: Making predictions. Making offers. Comparing things. Talking on the phone.
Grammar: Future simple: will / won?t. Comparative: as ... as.
Vocabulary: Telephone expressions. Verbs.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Lección 40: Getting married Part 1
Functions: Changing money. Making offers. Comparing. Talking about future plans and intentions. Expressing sudden decisions.
Grammar: Present continuous with future reference vs. Future simple. Shall I ...? Comparative form of the adjective.
Vocabulary: Weddings. Adjectives.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 41: Getting married Part 2
Functions: Changing money. Making offers. Comparing. Talking about future plans and intentions. Expressing sudden decisions.
Grammar: Present continuous with future reference vs. Future simple. Shall I ...? Comparative form of the adjective.
Vocabulary: Weddings. Adjectives.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 42: Getting married Part 3
Functions: Changing money. Making offers. Comparing. Talking about future plans and intentions. Expressing sudden decisions.
Grammar: Present continuous with future reference vs. Future simple. Shall I ...? Comparative form of the adjective.
Vocabulary: Weddings. Adjectives.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Lección 43: Meeting Jean´s family I Part 1
Functions: Talking about probability. Expressing opinion. Checking out of a hotel. Grammar: First conditional. Superlative form of the adjective.
Vocabulary: Irregular superlatives.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 44: Meeting Jean´s family I Part 2
Functions: Talking about probability. Expressing opinion. Checking out of a hotel.
Grammar: First conditional. Superlative form of the adjective.
Vocabulary: Irregular superlatives.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 45: Meeting Jean´s family I Part 3
Functions: Talking about probability. Expressing opinion. Checking out of a hotel.
Grammar: First conditional. Superlative form of the adjective.
Vocabulary: Irregular superlatives.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Lección 46: Meeting Jean´s family II Part 1
Functions: Expressing position. Highlighting the result of an action. Asking directions.
Grammar: The passive. The most ... Prepositions of location: at, in, on.
Vocabulary: Cooking. More adjectives.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 47: Meeting Jean´s family II Part 2
Functions: Expressing position. Highlighting the result of an action. Asking directions.
Grammar: The passive. The most ... Prepositions of location: at, in, on.
Vocabulary: Cooking. More adjectives.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Lección 48: Meeting Jean´s family II Part 3
Functions: Expressing position. Highlighting the result of an action. Asking directions.
Grammar: The passive. The most ... Prepositions of location: at, in, on.
Vocabulary: Cooking. More adjectives.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
Capítulo 2: Pronunciation
Capítulo 3: Consolidation
Capítulo 4: Dialogues
Lección 49: A new barman Part 1
Functions: Expressing purpose. Checking in at the airport.
Grammar: To + infinitive vs. For + noun.
Vocabulary: Confusing verbs. Feelings. Illness.
Capítulo 1: Warm Up
Capítulo 2: Dialogues
Capítulo 3: Vocabulary sentences
Lección 50: A new barman Part 2
Functions: Expressing purpose. Checking in at the airport.
Grammar: To + infinitive vs. For + noun.
Vocabulary: Confusing verbs. Feelings. Illness.
Capítulo 1: Showroom
Capítulo 2: Phrases
Capítulo 3: Listening practice
no Limits: Pre-Intermediate
Lección 51: A new barman Part 3
Functions: Expressing purpose. Checking in at the airport.
Grammar: To + infinitive vs. For + noun.
Vocabulary: Confusing verbs. Feelings. Illness.
Capítulo 1: Pronunciation
Capítulo 2: Consolidation
Capítulo 3: Dialogues
Lección 52: Dreaming of becoming famous Part 1
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Dialogues
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Lección 53: Dreaming of becoming famous Part 2
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Reading practice
Capítulo 2: Exercises
Lección 54: Dreaming of becoming famous Part 3
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
Capítulo 1: Listening practice
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